Author name: IntnJeev

why make in India is important

The “Make in India” initiative aims to boost India’s manufacturing sector and its importance can be analyzed from various angles: Economic benefits: Strategic benefits: Social benefits: However, it’s important to acknowledge challenges: Overall, “Make in India” holds significant potential for propelling India’s economic and strategic development, but its success hinges on effectively addressing existing challenges

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why make in India failed

It’s important to first clarify that while “Make in India” hasn’t achieved its initial grand goals, calling it a complete failure might be an oversimplification. There have been achievements, but also significant challenges. Here are some key factors often cited as reasons for why the initiative hasn’t fully met its ambitions: Overly ambitious goals: The

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who make laws in India

In India, lawmaking happens at two levels: central and state. Here’s a breakdown: Central Level: State Level: Concurrent List: There’s also a Concurrent List with subjects where both Parliament and State Legislatures can make laws, but in case of any conflict, the law made by Parliament prevails. Points to Remember:

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